You Can Help Bring Pollinator Gardens to Schools


Your Donation Makes a World of Difference

Pollinators need all the help we can provide, and every dollar counts. With your support, we’ll keep expanding pollinator habitat and pollinator education in Minnesota – one schoolyard at a time.


Your donation supports students and pollinators


Deepen Students’ Connection to Nature

As a donor, you’ll give students more ways to engage with the natural world and learn how to protect it. Pollinator gardens are great teaching tools for standards-based science lessons, and field trips offer additional hands-on learning and exploration.  

Support Pollinators & Ecosystems

Your financial contributions help create school gardens with plants native to Minnesota that provide habitat, nectar, and pollen for pollinators. These drought-resistant gardens require less maintenance post-planting and also help manage stormwater.

Inspire Community Involvement

By helping to fund pollinator gardens and pollinator programming at Minnesota schools, you’ll also have an impact on local awareness – bringing parents, neighbors, and other community members together to protect pollinators.